Car Insurance

Dial Direct offers one of the most competitive car insurance portfolios in the South African insurance market. Their impressive portfolio for car insurance has four categories which would ensure your financial remuneration in the case of a number of incidents which result in the loss or damage of your vehicle as well as cover for other parties involved.

The four kinds of policies that Dial Direct offers are:

  • Comprehensive Cover - This offers protection in the event of accidental damage; theft; hijacking; the unfortunate accidental death of a third party or damage to the property of a third party. Accessories are also cover within this policy.
  • Third Party, Fire and Theft Cover - This type of cover includes protection from the accidental death of a third party/ies or damage to a third parties property; theft and hijacking of your vehicle.
  • Third Party Cover - This policy's protection extends only to accidental death or injury to a third party from use of a privately owned vehicle as well as accidental damage to a third party's property.
  • Off-Road Cover - Cover extends past our borders, i.e. you are covered when driving in a number of SADC countries. Your cellphone and spare wheel are also protected. Tracking systems are placed in the car by Dial Direct and limited medical cover is also offered. Accessory cover can also be increased.

Dial direct has a policy to fit every person as well as their pocket. A number of factors would determine what the monthly payment to Dial Direct would be. These criteria include the age of the driver, previous accidents, make, model and year of the car owned, what alarms and immobilizers are fitted to the vehicle, where the car is stored at night, tracking devices and whether the car is for private use only. The excess you want to pay in the event of loss or accident also weighs in when determining monthly premiums.

There are a number of exclusions under these policies which should be scrutinised properly.

However, by using Dial Direct for Car Insurance you can immediately cut costs as you have cut out the middleman. The Buck Backs bonus is another advantage of Dial Direct as well as their online service. Dial Direct should be your only choice when looking for a cost-saving, high service and comprehensive car insurance.