Household Insurance

Dial Direct is one of today's leaders in the market for Household Insurance. Household Insurance is the term used to describe when financial compensation is awarded to the person insured in the event of unforeseen circumstances resulting in the loss or damage of your household assets. The assets include items such as electronic appliances, soft furnishing, clothing, removable rugs, etc. These assets or possessions need to be insured for the replacement value of the item as a 'new for old' policy is used when assessing pay-outs of policies. Specific items are also not stated but a total sum given to the overall value of the items. Always be careful to value the items correctly as under-insuring could create a short-fall when being paid out for a claim. These payouts are on condition that monthly premiums are paid consistently to the insurer. There is also a basic excess which needs to be paid in once a claim has been made.

Dial Direct offers various household insurance policies which fit the individual requirements and purses of Dial Direct's vastly different client base. The premiums will be affected by a few variables which are:

  • Alarms systems the house has
  • Security features of the property stated on the schedule
  • Is the house connected to armed response?

Cover is provided for your possessions in the case of a number of specified occurrences. Always check your policy to see what is included and what conditions apply. Items in outbuilding are also usually insured. The most common problems are:

  • Flood
  • Fire
  • Theft

Dial Direct's Household insurance also offers superb added features as well as Dial Direct's typical benefits. They are:

  • Cover for domestic employees
  • Public cover
  • Tenant insurance
  • Bucks Back Bonus
  • Online Claims with 24 hour service

Dial Direct offers very comprehensive household insurance. Their ethos of cutting out the "middle man" will ensure you saving up to 25% on household insurance. This together with the features mentioned above can only result in a winning formula.