Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get insured by Dial Direct?
Dial Direct is just a phone call away. They are equipped with a 24hr 7day a week call center which is serviced by Dial Directs highly trained staff. No more filling in of forms. You will be immediately covered. This service is also available online on Dial Directs user- friendly web site.

What is the Bucks Back Reward Program?
Dial Direct offers the innovation bucks back reward program which sees you receiving cash back after a period of four years where you have not made a claim - and even some claims are allowed. You will receive 25% of your premiums back or your first year's premiums - whichever is the lesser amount.

What do I have to do to receive Emergency Assistance?
Absolutely nothing - It is FREE to all Dial Direct Policy holders.

Why is insuring Direct with Dial Direct better for me?
By going direct with Dial Direct you cut out the 'middleman'. You no longer have to pay a broker fee-this saving is passed on to you the customer, resulting in lower premiums and quicker service.

Does Dial Direct offer an insurance policy that fits my needs and budget?
Dial Direct has a wide range of insurance policies that are flexible to fit everyone's needs. They are budget-conscious, where you could save up to 25%. Their extensive portfolio of policies include car insurance, 4x4 insurance, watercraft insurance and trailer and caravan insurance.

What is an 'Excess' in an insurance policy and do I need to pay it?
The excess is what you the customer need to pay when you have submitted a claim. The amount of the excess is stated on your policy and can be lowered by perhaps paying a slightly higher monthly premium. An excess is to discourage fraud or clients claiming for minor amounts. However, Dial Direct is known for their low excesses.